Cellulite is a subcutaneous layer of fat that causes unsightly dimples on the skin and is common on women’s hips and thighs. There is no part of the female form that receives as much attention as the bum and cellulite can take away the visual appeal of even the most shapely of derrieres.
Close to 90% of women have cellulite on their bums. Men do not have cellulite because the structure of the collagen that attaches their muscle to skin is angled while for women it is vertical which means that the fat cells don’t layer the same way. A typical cause of cellulite formation in women is caused by poor blood circulation in the area.
57% of women where clothing over their swimsuits to hide the cellulite. There is no medical cure for the bumps however they can be gotten rid of and the effect lessened through certain lifestyle changes. Here is a list of 3 healthy way to eliminate cellulite from your bum.
Water is good for just about anything that ails you. Skin loves to be hydrated so if you suffer from cellulite on your bum the first thing that you should consider in your battle against it is drinking more than 3 liters of water a day.
Having a lot of water in your body will reduce the bloating in your skin drain away toxins that are in the fatty layers. The effects of drinking more water per day can be seen in days as the cellulite levels will reduce drastically.
Anti- Cellulite Exercises
The other way to fix about just about anything that is going wrong with your body is to exercise regularly. Cellulite is mainly caused by tissues that do not work properly because they are not used enough. Exercise designed to work on the area most affected by cellulite gets rid of the annoying bumps by toning the muscles that hold the muscles and skin together.
The are many theories around what causes cellulite but what they all agree on is that fat is involved. Skinny women can have cellulite as well as large women because they all have fat. Therefore the seemingly obvious way eliminate the cellulite would be burn the fat. Men tend to start depositing fat around their gut while for women it starts up around their thighs and bum. This is why exercises aimed at getting rid of cellulite concentrate on toning the muscles around their legs and thighs.
Anti-cellulite exercises only have to be done for 20 minutes a day, 4 times a week for you to start seeing the improvements. Exercises for your legs and thighs that build muscle mass and reduce fat are;
– Squats,
– Lunges,
– Jumping jacks,
– Lateral Jumps,
– Kick backs.
Eat Right
Eating right is the third part to the trifecta of healthy living.. Your body is a complex machine and in order for it to run efficiently and look its best, you have to give it the right fuels. Add more fresh vegetables, protein and fruits to your diet to make your skin look its best.
Turn half of your daily diet into fresh vegetables and you can eliminate cellulite for good. That is how powerful the impact of eating quality foods is on your body and it is no surprise that cellulite is something that so many women suffer from when you consider that majority of the average Western diet is based on junk food.
Protein helps to eliminate cellulite because the collagen cells where the fatty deposits lay are made by proteins. Collagen that holds up the muscles is a lot like mattress springs. A healthy and regular dose of protein in your diet will keep these springs strong so that the top layer of skin stands firm rather than dipping into the fat. Choose to get your protein from lean animal sources such as salmon and chicken.
Consistency and patience are the tricks to making sure that fat and cellulite go away and stay away when using healthy lifestyle choices get back your beautiful bum. The cellulite may take years to go away completely however the effects will be seen after a few weeks and if you keep up with the healthy choices you will never be plagued by cellulite again. We’re all human so don’t be discouraged if you find yourself forgetting to take that third liter of water. Just get back on the bandwagon the next day and stay resolute.